Rebel Mariposa:
“When I think of Amaranth I am reminded of a line from a poem by Rumi: Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along. My love for amaranth was weaved into my genetic code thousands of years ago. I am grateful that the love was awakened in my lifetime.
The aroma of a tomato plant conjures up childhood memories of my Tio Fino. He had the greenest thumb and when you walked through his gardens in Von Ormy, TX the smell of the tomato plants engulfed me. When I get a whiff of a tomato plant now I am transported back to being a child being bathed by the sun, touching tall tomato vines and being nourished by the earth and my familia.
Pericon thrives in one corner of my backyard and it teaches me that there are certain locations where you feel your best and the conditions are perfect for you to blossom. It is a blessing when you can find those spots.”